Our Curriculum Intent
At Woolston Church of England Primary School we provide a caring and enriching learning environment, which is inclusive and enables our children to be highly competent in all aspects of their learning. We pride ourselves in offering a nurturing environment with wellbeing and Christian values at its heart, therefore enabling our children to be happy and thrive in their learning. As a result, our children leave our school with high academic attainment, and are well prepared for the next stage of their journey beyond primary school.
Our curriculum is carefully structured so that it builds on children’s prior learning needs and develops their knowledge and skills in a progressive manner. The learning experiences engage and motivate the children, capitalising on their interests, and offering first hand experiences. Learning is enriched with opportunities to learn outside of the school, as well as visits by people who share their expertise and talents. We recognise that every child is unique and we encourage them to shine, and show their strengths in all areas, including the arts and sport.
Christian values permeate through all aspects of school and church life, with Jesus’s teaching guiding how we live, work and interact with others; ‘working and learning together in the light of Jesus’. Children are taught about the importance of friendship, tolerance, empathy, respect and humility, enabling them to grow up into caring and considerate individuals with a strong sense of respect and responsibility for themselves and others. The Reverend is a guiding presence in the school and plays a part in each child’s spiritual journey.
Our curriculum embraces the community in which it is situated, recognising local history, heritage and geographical links. The school aims to be the heartbeat of the community, encouraging both school and parish to come together to enjoy family events and traditions.
The context of our school means it’s ever more important to ensure our children are aware of the diversity of wider society nationally and globally. Our curriculum provides our children with an appreciation and understanding of faiths and cultures beyond our local community, as well as becoming courageous advocates of issues locally, nationally and globally. We are passionate that our children learn about the needs of others, which is demonstrated in the charitable work we participate in.
Fundamentally, children leave our school with a sense of belonging and community, where they have self -belief, confidence and the skills and knowledge to become life- long, passionate learners and positive role models in society.
‘Though we are many, we are all one body with Christ’ Romans 12:5
More detailed links between EYFS and the National Curriculum can be viewed on each subject page where relevant.
SEND in our Curriculum Subjects
We strive to ensure that all children have access to a rich and varied curriculum whatever their needs. For those children with SEN adaptations are made where necessary to the teaching of the foundation subjects so that the learning in these subjects is accessible to all, and that all children can reach their full potential. These adaptations include:
- Changes to the way that the work is recorded so that where necessary written recording of knowledge is kept to a minimum.
- The pre-teaching of vocabulary before the lesson to support understanding of the concepts being taught.
- The use of pictures and word banks to aid learning.
- Differentiation and adaptation of learning tasks in response to recommendations from outside agencies.
Many children thrive in these wider curriculum areas and show true talent and flair. We aim to nurture this talent and facilitate growth.
What will we do?
We will develop learners who recognise their own learning goals, aspirations and the role they play in determining their own destiny.
We will provide a curriculum that allows for a wide range of opportunities to be promoted and excellent outcomes achieved, across a wide range of areas.
We will promote a community of kind, respectful Christian learners, with an underlying value of hope for their own future and that of the wider extended community; underpinnes by Christian and British values.
What will you see?
Visible consistency - the aim of visible consistency is to ensure that all staff and pupils receive the same messages regarding expectations of conduct, behaviour and work ethic thus ensuring a safe environment in which effective teaching and learning can take place and risks can be taken.
Visible collaboration - the aim of visible collaboration is to ensure that children receive the same experiences across year groups and that staff are able to share their expertise and strengths so as to learn from each other.
Visible challenge - the aim of visible challenge is to recognise that learning occurs when staff and pupils are given the opportunity to go beyond their comfort zone.
Visible creativity - the aim of visible creativity is to inspire a love of learning and deepen thinking.