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Speaking and Listening

Intent Statement

At Woolston CE, spoken language and listening skills are central to our curriculum; these are developed from EYFS and throughout our school. We nurture our children’s Speaking and Listening skills so that they are capable of expressing their own ideas clearly and confidently, in a safe, supportive and stimulating environment.

We enhance children’s Speaking and Listening skills through a variety of approaches: exploratory play, story time, talk partners, hot seating, PSHE sessions and through collaborative learning across the curriculum. We develop these skills so that our children are capable of expressing their own ideas clearly and with confidence in an environment, where everybody’s views are valued throughout school life and in preparation for their future. 


Approaches to teaching and learning encourage pupils to voice their ideas in small group and class discussions, as we recognise that sharing and explaining concepts with peers enhances learning. Staff model the use of higher level vocabulary within their speech and expanding children’s vocabulary is a key focus from EYFS. Subject specific vocabulary is embedded across the curriculum, through teacher modelling, in context. Contextual learning helps children to understand new words and supports them in including them in their work.

Guided and whole class reading sessions encourage pupils to explore unfamiliar vocabulary and expand their knowledge of words. Staff model correct grammar in speech and encourage children to reflect this in their use of spoken and written language. Children are given the chance to orally rehearse ideas for writing regularly.

Drama is used to explore and engage children in their learning. This gives children the chance to embed vocabulary in shared activities. School plays, worship, pupil voice and Book Club are just some of the opportunities provided.


Through a safe and encouraging environment, children develop into confident communicators who illuminate the goodness in each other by listening, speaking with kindness and empathy and explaining with clarity and confidence.

Please see our Speaking and Listening progression map.

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