Collective Worship
Collective Worship takes place every day and is delivered by all members of the school staff. We have:
Monday - Whole School Worship
Tuesday - Key Stage Worship
Wednesday - Whole School Worship
Thursday - Music Praise
Friday - Whole School Celebration Worship
Our Collective Worships focus on our core Christian Values and also include character education, current local, national and global issues and special days/festivals.
We are currently in a period of interregnum which means we are unable to have a regular Worship led by a member of the Clergy, however when possible they do attend school on behalf of the Church.

We explore what friendship with Jesus means for Christians and that Jesus extends the hand of friendship to everyone.
This value encourages us to promote inclusivity and openness to all.
Christians believe that their attitudes and actions must reflect the kindness, mercy and compassion of Jesus and the love of God for everyone.
It is not just knowing what the right thing to do is, it's doing the right thing.
As Christians we recognise that sometimes we face difficulties and personal challenges but we know we can pray for God's help because he promised to never leave us.
We encourage one another consistently to take one step at a time to achieve our goals.
We value a model of servant leadership, we encourage our children to seek the common good in all they do. We provie opportunities for our children to serve as members of the School Council, Helping Hands, Play Leaders, Buddies, Sports Crew and FAB Team members.
This encouarges them to contribute positively in wider society which is seen through our charitable work.