Mental Health & Wellbeing
Pastoral Support
Here at WCE the mental health and wellbeing of the whole school community is at the forefront of everything we do. We have a Pastoral Team who meet half termly to identify children who would benefit from further support and to discuss children who have been receiving support. This may result in additional support within school or referral to external agencies such as Schools Link Mental Health Service, MHST, CYPMHS, CAMHS and Play Therapy.
Our Pastoral Team consists of:
Mrs S Dillon - Headteacher
Mrs R Noble - AHT and SENDCo
Mrs I Cunliffe - Pastoral Lead (HLTA)
Miss L Beaumont - ELSA
Drawing and Talking Therapy
We are extremely fortunate to have a qualified Drawing and Talking Therapist in school, Mrs Cunliffe. This therapy enables individuals to set the pace and is designed to help individuals become more able to control their behaviour, increase their self esteem and thrive in the world around them.
The sessions take place once a week for a period of 12 weeks with a Strengths and Difficulties questionnaire used to determine the impact of this therapy.
An Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) is a trained, school based learning support assistant. Their role is to support the emotional wellbeing of pupils. They are trained by a team of educational psychologists and receive ongoing group supervision. Miss Beaumont is our ELSA.
Healing Together
Healing Together is a programme that has been created to ensure children affected by domestic abuse are able to access early trauma informed help. The sessions are designed to help chldren learn about how their body and brain works together, their feelings, senses and strategies they can use to help their body and brain feel safe.
Miss Beaumont delivers our healing together sessions in school.