Welcome to the Governors section of the school's website.
I hope that through these pages you see what Governors do and the areas individual Governors cover within the school.
The main role of the governing body is to help raise the standards and performance of the school by supporting the work of the Headteacher and the staff. Governors support and, at the same time, challenge the Headteacher by gathering views, asking questions and deciding what is best for the school. Governors make important decisions on policies and strategies and have to stand by their decisions. The governing body is answerable to parents and the wider community.
Some of the things School Governors are expect to be involved in include:
- with the Headteacher, and staff, plan the future of the school
- make staff appointments for the leadership team, including selection of the Headteacher and Assistant Headteacher
- set standards for staff and pupil behaviour, and support the Headteacher, taking disciplinary action where necessary
- make decisions on the school's budget, expenditure and staffing
- contribute to how the school can encourage pupils' spiritual, moral and cultural development
- make sure the school provides for all its pupils, including those with special needs
- to represent the local community
Who are School Governors? The Governing body at Woolston CE comprises the following types of governor:
- Parents elected by other parents at the school
- Staff elected by their colleagues
- Local Authority governors appointed by the Authority
- Foundation governors appointed by the governing body in consultation with the Diocese
If you would like to know more about the role of a school Governor at Woolston CE Primary please contact me via the school office.
Roz Hayes
School Governing Body
Chair of Governors
Mrs Roz Hayes (Foundation Governor)
Foundation Governors
Reverend Tabitha Rao
Mr Gareth Roberts
Miss Gillian Donnelly
Mrs Roz Hayes
Ms Jenny Leach
Mrs Kerry McLaughlin
Mrs Lesley-Ann Shorrock
Representative Governors
Mrs Emily Curran (LA)
Mrs Sarah Dillon (Headteacher)
Miss Becky Cliffe (Staff Governor)
Mrs Hazel Fryman (Co-opted Governor)
Mr Chris Roach (Parent Governor)
Mr Spencer Pritchard (Parent Governor)
Contact the Governors
If you wish to contact the Governors please contact Roz Hayes via the School office.
Mrs Roz Hayes (Chair of Governors)
Woolston CE Primary School
Epping Drive